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Based on Ontario’s reopening plan, physical distancing remains a requirement for all people who are not from the same household or social circle. We are pleased to provide fully vaccinated staffing services at all venues covered by the Ontario Vaccine Passport, as well as any private events which request fully vaccinated staff,  and are following the guidelines below​:

  • All Staff are conducting self-assessments before attending a shift with us. Staff who have recently travelled outside the country or who are feeling unwell are asked to stay home for everyone's safety.

  • Observing current Ontario gathering limits for Indoor Gatherings 


  • Observing current Ontario gathering limits for Outdoor Gatherings 


  • Hand sanitizing stations should be set up at all entry points of the event to ensure all attendees (guests and staff) sanitize their hands upon entering the event space.


  • Disposable Masks and Gloves should be provided onsite for guests and for staff as needed. Staff are expected to have their own PPE kit, but these items should also be onsite as needed.


  • Handwashing stations should be provided for staff and guests. Staff MUST wash or sanitize hands every time they come into contact with public items.


  • Physical Barriers - Staff  should have the ability to practice social distancing from guests, either with physical barriers (eg. plexiglass or stanchions to separate guests from staff when serving at the bar, or at the buffet etc.) or by serving guests while maintaining a 6 foot distance.

  • Physical Distance - Staff should have the ability to practice social distancing from each other, and other people working on site, by providing and maintaining 6 foot distance in the kitchen, bussing areas, and staff storage/changing area.


In harmony with the general guidelines provided by the province of Ontario above, we encourage the following provisions in order to assist our clients in keeping their events as safe as possible.

  • SAFETY GREETER: This role will greet guests at the entry to an event and provide instructions to guests on the applicable COVID policies in place to keep everyone safe and on the same page during this particular event. 

  • “CONDIMENTOR”/ DEDICATED TABLE SERVICE: This role will be in charge of dispensing individual condiments/refilling water/wine/coffee and french bread service - ensuring no items are left on table (potentially becoming a high touch surface) and that they are cleaned & sanitized in between uses

  • SANITATION TEAM/WAITSTAFF: This role will be responsible for keeping all high touch surfaces and multi-use spaces clean throughout the event - habitually, this would be our waitstaff in charge of this throughout the event, but there may be times when staff are just designated to help sanitize throughout the duration of an event


The following are recommendations we’re passing along to our clients and colleagues - these are considered “best practices” but their usage will differ on an event by event basis.


  • Contact Tracing - We’re asking our clients to consider recording each patron’s name and contact information to support effective contact tracing (in the event of an outbreak)


  • Hors D’oeuvres - We’re asking our clients to consider pre-packaged hors d’oeuvres whenever possible, so that each guest receives their own individual, sanitary portion of food during passed service.


  • Table Settings - If pre-setting flatware on the table prior to dinner service, we’re asking our clients to consider limiting guest access to the dining room until guests take their seats.


  • Staff Ratios - Due to the ever changing nature of this pandemic, our recommended staffing ratios will continue to be subject to change on an event by event basis. 


  • Physical Distance - We’re asking our clients to enable physical distancing by redesigning spaces/interactions and implementing flow management


  • Event Flow - We’re asking our clients to stagger guest arrival & seating times to prevent lineups. Or, use floor decals and signage to assist with the flow of guests. ​


  • Beverage top-ups -  Our staff will endeavor to minimize touching glassware/coffee cups when refilling beverages on event.


  • Table Setting: We’re asking our clients to arrange tables and chairs so that a 6 foot/2 metre distance is maintained between each dining party. 


  • Clearing & Bussing: We’re asking our clients to consider having rentals come with additional bags so that after our staff have cleared tables and placed them back into the crate, they can be sealed to limit further contamination. 


  • Buffet Service - We encourage having a serviced buffet to eliminate all high touch surfaces, with either a plexiglass barrier between service staff and guests or an additional table/stanchion barrier to keep physical distance between service staff and guests.


  • Guest Arrival Times - We’re asking our clients to stagger guest arrival times to prevent lineups/bottlenecking


  • Bartending - Bartenders must provide their own tools - sanitize at top of shift and throughout the shift. Avoid sharing products or tools between workstations and if sharing is required, clean and disinfect products and tools between users. When product divvied up - must wash hands before and after disbursement of product.


  • Breathing Breaks - Staff are encouraged to be given hourly “breathing breaks” where they can take off their masks (preferably outside if easily accessible) as wearing masks for extended periods of time does get exhausting.

*Disclaimer & Assumption of Risk 

Core 2.0 has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19; however, while we endeavor to keep our staff members, guests and clients safe through these policies, our policies do not guarantee elimination of the potential risk of contracting COVID-19 (or any other illness) . Each Core 2.0 staff member by agreeing to a shift with our team acknowledges the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assumes the risk that they may be exposed to and/or infected by COVID-19 when on event.


We kindly ask that each client provide us with a document of their COVID-SAFE plans for each particular request, which will then be passed on to our staff

If you are onsite with the CORE 2.0 team and you are genuinely concerned about health and safety protocols not being followed by either a client, their event/guests or a member of the CORE 2.0 team, please do not hesitate to speak with your onsite supervisor so they can assess and call the office if need be!

We appreciate your help in keeping our team members, event partners and guests, COVID safe!

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